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Courtesy of the artist and Art von Frei Gallery, Photography: Stephanie Waechter, Berlin 2015

Image: Courtesy of Federico Vecchi, VDG Weimar and Art von Frei Gallery
Photography: Stephanie Waechter, Berlin 2015

Die neue ART VON FREI GALLERY in Berlin stellt mit Federico Vecchi einen jungen italienischen Künstler vor, der erstmals in Deutschland gezeigt wird. Vecchi (geb. 1980) studierte an der renommierten Kunstakademie Bologna und war bis 2013 Assistent von Hermann Nitsch. Auf dessen Einfluss geht möglicherweise die Betonung des Prozesshaft-Dynamischen zurück, das in allen Werken Federico Vecchis spürbar ist. Entstehungsprozess und Physis der Gemälde, Collagen, Zeichnungen und Plastiken verbinden sie mit der urbanen Lebenswelt des Künstlers, der in Wien lebt. Dabei achtet Vecchi immer auf eine ästhetisch ansprechende Gestaltung seiner abstrakten Werke, deren eigentümliches Narrativ Zartheit und Kraft verbindet.

Mit Beiträgen von
Marcus Frings, Giorgio Palma, Erwin Wurm, Sophie Gnesda, Hermann Nitsch, Aldo Venturelli & Synusia Casaluce Geiger

VERLAG VDG Weimar // Bei www.vdg-weimar.de online bestellbar! // ISBN 978-3-89739-849-8 // Hg. Eva Moll

view EVE Berlin Art Catalogue

07/2014 EVA MOLL // EVE (Katalog)

1.7 - 31.7.2014


Besichtigung nach telefonischer Vereinbarung
Visit by appointment
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 825 54 43
Mobil: +49 (0) 176 23 37 92 78

Knausstrasse 19
14193 Berlin-Grunewald

Hrsg. Dr. Wolfgang Köppe
(c) Galerie Villa Köppe, 2014

< Click on image to view the catalogue
< um den Katalog anzusehen bitte das Bild anklicken
















Eva Moll - Research Papers, Reports and Booklets (Selection)

"The City Loves You!", 2013
"Splashing Balloons Every Day!!", 2012
"Painting the town!", 2011
"Works in Process: Just what is it? > Je t'aime!" 2009 – 2010
"What's Happening?", 2007 – 2009
"All About Eve & The Big Apple", 2007
"I'm in Garden | Bin im Garten", 2006 – 2007
"Europe ArtTourIsm", City Tours, Travels, Exhibitions and Performances since 2006
"The New York Collection" 2000 – 2005
"The Evolution of EVE", Timeline since 1998
"The Early Works Collection" 1990 – 2000

Eva Moll - Original Artist Books and Book Objects (Selection)

"The White Book", 2007 (Book Object)
"Eva in The Big Apple", 1999 – 2000
"Symbols", 1998 – 1999 (Original Drawings in Artist Book)
"URBANISM 2000", 1999 (Original Drawings in Artist Book)
"The Ornamental Symbol", I, II & III, 1998 (Artist Copy-Paper Booklets)
Sketch Books, 1990 - now

More Info on Artist Books upon request.






















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05/2012 NEUE WELTEN (Katalog)
Perspektiven aktueller Kunst. Ausstellung Kunsthallen Offenbach.
Standort: Industriehalle Christian-Pleß-Str. 6-30, 63069 Offenbach am Main

13.5 - 24.6.2012 | Kunst: Eva Becker, Mike Bouchet, Giorgio Capogrossi, Jos Diegel, Lina Hermsdorf, Danny Kerschen, Barbara Klemm, Michel Kloefkorn, Katrin Köster, Martin Liebscher, Christoph von Löw, Mirek Macke, Sandra Mann, Eva Moll, Jörg Obenauer, Tobias Rehberger, Klaus Schneider-Grimm, Micha Ullman, Ulrich Wagner, Georgia Wilhelm

Mit Beiträgen von: Björn Böhning, Christine Euler, Marcus Frings, Kai Vöckler, Georg von Wallwitz

Hrsg. Dr. Marcus Frings, Haus der Stadtgeschichte
Rubrik(en): Kunst | Künstlerkataloge | Reihen | Kunst in Offenbach am Main

VDG – Verlag und Datenbank für Geisteswissenschaften, Weimar
ISBN: 978-3-89739-742-2















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10/2010 DAS GUTE VON GESTERN (Katalog)
Aktionskunst und temporäre Installation - Performance art and temporary installation

Giorgio Capogrossi | Jos Diegel | Christoph von Löw | Ruth Luxenhofer
Mirek Macke | Charlotte Malcolm-Smith | Eva Moll | Achim Schauffele

Hrsg. Dr. Marcus Frings, Haus der Stadtgeschichte
Rubrik(en): Kunst | Künstlerkataloge | Reihen | Kunst in Offenbach am Main

VDG – Verlag und Datenbank für Geisteswissenschaften, Weimar
ISBN: 978-3-89739-708-8




go to V_KUNST

Video and media art | Video- und Medienkunst
Projections at galeries and stores of the Fahrgasse in Frankfurt am Main/ Germany.

Catalogue | Katalog: pdf-download (5.8 MB) >>

Eva Moll | Participating Artist





The Catalogue documents a selection of projects from 2004 until 2009 of KUNST RAUM MATO (ART SPACE MATO) in Offenbach am Main/ Germany. KUNST RAUM MATO is a non-for-profit art club. The members of the club are artists working with individual art-studios at the old Mato-Factory building, an industrial sight in the Rhein-Main Area of Germany. The members of KUNST RAUM MATO initiate local and international projects in art and culture such as exhibitions, exchange programs and open studio events. Since 2009 KUNST RAUM MATO also supports individual and small-group projects of its members such as an expedition to Fingano/ Italy, an exhibition in Nürnberg/ Germany and the "Schrank-Stipendium", International Art Price | Artist-in-Residence Stipid in the closet.

Eva Moll | Member of Kunst Raum Mato (Art Space Mato)




go to FAAN

06/2009 New Commissions Book Launch by Art in General, New York City

Fine Art Adoption Network by Adam Simon, New York City

Three new Art in General books documenting previous News Commissions projects. Adam Simon's Fine Art Adoption Network has launched in 2006 and continues to connect artists with adopters. Adam Simon: Fine Art Adoption Network documents just a few and includes an essay by David Trigg.

The FAAN book is available through Art in General > and www.amazon.com >

Eva Moll | Fine Art Adoption Network: www.fineartadoption.net >



go to amazon.com

08/2008 KINDLE has published...

"My take... Your take" by Griselda Steiner, New York City

The book is a collection of articles from the 1970's to today on film, literature, politics, performing and visual artists and Goddess legacy that includes interviews with Rip Torn, Lee Strasberg, Irwin Corey, Cristina Biaggi, Laura Simms, James Wasserman, Madeleine, Yayodele Nelson, Mary Beth Edelson, Eva Moll and more... 

To Purchase "My take... Your take" click here to go to Amazon.com >